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vedr. DOXYCYCLIN til behandling af 

Først generelt om tetracyclin/doxycyclin:

Lægemiddelkataloget online www.lk-online.dk skriver:

"Ved infektioner med følgende mikroorganismer kan tetracycliner [herunder doxycyclin] være indiceret: Rickettsia (plettyfus, Q-fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever m.fl.), Chlamydia (ornitose, lymphogranuloma inguinale, trakom, pneumoni og urethritis/cervicitis), Leptospira (Weils sygdom m.fl.), Mycoplasma og Legionella (primær atypisk pneumoni), Listeria, Pasteurella, Brucella (kalvekastningsfeber, Maltafeber), spirokæter, vibrioner og Borrelia."
"Tetracyclin anvendes til behandling af malaria forårsaget af chlorochinresistent P. falciparum, altid i forbindelse med et mere effektivt skizontocidt middel, sædvanligvis chinin.
Doxycyclin anvendes profylaktisk mod malaria forårsaget af multiresistent P. falciparum, særligt i grænseegnene mellem Thailand, Cambodia og Myanmar (Burma). Doxycyclin anbefales i stigende grad som malariaprofylakse på lige fod med meflochin og atovaquon/proguanil (EPI-NYT, WHO)."
Kontraindikationer: "Tetracyclin bør ikke anvendes til gravide, fordi det indbygges i fosterets tand- og knoglevæv og derved giver anledning til misfarvning af barnets tænder og dysplasi af tænder og knogler med nedsat længdevækst. Hos barnet kan der desuden udvikles katarakt." ..  "Tetracyclinallergi. Leverinsufficiens. Tetracycliner bør kun på tvingende indikation anvendes til børn under 12 år."

En nyere artikel, der grundigt beskriver doxycyclin's virkemåde og farmakokinetik m.v.

Joshi N, Miller DQ
Doxycycline revisited.
Arch Intern Med 1997 Jul 14;157(13):1421-8 

Although several new antibiotics have recently become available, in several clinical instances conventional antibiotics may be equally efficacious at a considerably lower cost. In today's era of cost containment, it is particularly relevant to revisit older, inexpensive antibiotics to reexplore their role in the face of the emergence of resistant microorganisms and competition from newer agents. Doxycycline is one such antibiotic. It is an inexpensive, broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent that remains the drug of first choice for several infections. In addition, it can be used for a variety of other indications. Adverse effects are infrequent and relatively minor. While interactions occur with several medications, none of these interactions has significant adverse consequences.
"Comment in:
Arch Intern Med. 1998 Apr 27;158(8):928-9
Arch Intern Med. 1998 Jan 26;158(2):191
Arch Intern Med. 1998 Jan 26;158(2):192-3
Arch Intern Med. 1998 Jul 13;158(13):1469-70

[Mit resume]:
hæmmer proteinsyntesen ved at binde til 30S ribosomal mRNA og blokere for aminosyre produktion, hæmmer også pattedyrceller i høje koncentrationer, hvilket kan medføre forsinket sårheling.
Bevirker ændringer i den cytoplasmatiske membran, som medfører lækage (kan dermed virke baktericidt, men i højere koncentrationer end det er muligt at opnå med tolerable doser).
To resistensmekanismer kendes:
1. Mikroorganismerne har nedsat evne til at akkumulere stoffet pga. nedsat optag eller øget efflux -
 2. Ved mekanismer der øger beskyttelsen af ribosomerne mod stoffet.
Absorberes næsten fuldstændig (95%) og hurtigt (kan spores allerede efter 15 min) via mave-tarm-kanalen.
Top-koncentrationen opnås efter 2- 3 1/2 time. Proteinbinding 80-90% og lidpidopløselig. Disse faktorer forklarer en stabil koncentration og lang halveringstid, som tillader 1-2 dosis per døgn administration.
Absorptionen hæmmes af antacida /som indeholder divalente ioner, Ca (mælk), Mg el. Al,  vismutsalte {Zn og andre mineraler] hvorfor disse ting må indtages 1-2 timer forskudt for medicinen, mens anden føde ikke influerer nævneværdigt på opt.
Stoffet krydser let placentabarrieren og udskilles i modermælk i målelige koncentrationer, men er ikke kontraindiceret ved amning (trods risiko for misfarvning af barnets tænder !?). 
Den høje lipidopløselighed forklarer god vævspenetration [MK: men det betyder også at der er et stort fordelingsvolumen, som kan influere meget på serum- og vævskoncentration, hvis man ikke tager højde for pt's størrelse og fedtprocent når man doserer !]. 
Koncentrationen i væv sædvanligvis højere end i blod, f.eks. nyre = 2x blod conc. I lunger og brokialsekret opnås 18-23% af blod konc. Galde = 8x lever konc., synovia (ledhinde) 11-75%.
I CSF opnås 11-56% af serumkonc., niveau over 1 mikrog/ml kan sjældent opnås, hvilkes anses for den lavest ønskelige konc.  
Stoffet er effektivt mod mange grampos, gramneg. Aerobe og anaerobe bacterier, mycoplasma, chlamydia, rickettsia, spirocheter og udvalgte mykobakterier. 
Bivirkninger: kvalme, epigastriske smerter, opkastning og diarre, oesophagal ulceration (forebygges ved at drikke rigelig væske til tabletten min. 100ml). Ophobes i tænder og knogler, medførende misfarvning og væksthæmning, derfor kontraindiceret til børn under 8 år og gravide. Fototoksicitet. [MK: aldersgrænsen angives forskelligt fra land til land, nogle siger doxycyclin er kontraindiceret under 10 år, i DK altså 12 år !] 
[MK: På trods af at artiklen er ret ny og ehrlichia er følsom, nævnes denne mikroorganisme end ikke i artiklen !]

Dr. Joe Burrascano (se hans guidelines på www.ilads.org) fortæller i sit video-foredrag i York 2003 (jeg har den på DVD og har skrevet flg. af derfra), at han har gennemført måling af serumkoncentration af forskellige antibiotika:

"I reported on a study in 1996, in which I measured blood levels of the antibiotic in my Lyme patients, and I found a remarkable thing. In using a variety of oral antibiotics, there is an as much as 10 fold variability in peak and base blood levels, when you compare patients who are otherwise matched for age, height, weight for example with doxycycline orally the range was a 3-fold variability, with amoxicillin there was a 10-fold variability. When this study was done I uncovered many many cases of  inadequate blood-levels. This study also demonstrated very clearly the advantage of intravenous therapy over oral, specifically with doxycycline. It has been quoted many times that oral doxycycline is equivalent to intravenous, that has been shown to be false by my study, where there was at least a 2-fold if not a 3-fold difference in blood-levels when intravenous compared to oral therapy was given in equivalent doses.”

Burrascano fandt en variation på 3 gange (!) i serumkoncentrationen af doxycyclin,  blandt patienter matchet mht. samme alder, højde, vægt og givet samme dosis doxycyclin som tablet ! 
- og selvom optageligheden via mave-tarm-kanalen normalt angives at være næsten fuldstændig (95%, se ovenfor), så var serumkoncentrationen 2-3 gange højere når samme dosis blev indgivet intravenøst i forhold til indgivet som tablet !    

Hvad / hvorhen skal vi nå med medicinen og hvordan arter medicinen sig i kroppen ?

VIGTIGT: Både borrelia og ehrlichia kan infiltrere centralnervesystemet - derfor et det meget vigtigt at medicinen gives i en tilstrækkelig dosis til at bekæmpe infektion også derinde !

Det er vist at Borrelia kan åbne/krydse blod-hjerne barrieren indenfor ret kort tid efter erythema migrans / bakterien er indsprøjtet i blodbanen.  Neuro-BORRELIOSE er der publiceret hundredevis af referencer om, så det bør være velkendt for de fleste ...
- men at EHRLICHIA også kan påvises i spinalvæsken, inficere nervesystemet og fremkalde ansigtslammelse? - er sikkert mindre kendt, derfor vil jeg referere en enkelt artikel om det:

Lee FS, Chu FK, Tackley M, Wu AD, Atri A, Wessels MR
Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis Presenting as Facial Diplegia in a 42-Year-Old Woman.
Clin Infect Dis 2000 Nov;31(5):1288-1291.

Neurologic manifestations of human ehrlichiosis are unusual and have been described almost exclusively in human monocytic ehrlichiosis associated with Ehrlichia chaffeensis. We report here a case of a previously healthy 42-year-old woman who developed bilateral facial nerve palsies in association with infection by the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (aoHGE). The diagnosis was made by specific polymerase chain reaction amplification of aoHGE sequences from samples of the patient's blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), as well as propagation of aoHGE in culture of HL60 cells inoculated with the patient's CSF. To our knowledge, this is the first report directly demonstrating the presence of aoHGE in CSF, and it underscores the importance of considering HGE in patients presenting with a nonspecific febrile illness and unexplained neurologic manifestations. HGE should also be considered in the differential diagnosis of bilateral facial palsy-a rare occurrence.

Hvordan opnås – og hvad er en tilstrækkelig koncentration af doxycyclin i ”hjernekisten” ?
= over den mindste hæmmende koncentration (MIC=minimal inhibitory concentration)?

Hvad ved vi egentlig om hvor meget doxycyclin, der når hjernen / spinalvæsken (i hvilken koncentration) ved indgift af forskellige doser ?
- her fandt jeg følgende artikler:

Andersson H, Alestig K
The penetration of doxycycline into CSF.
Scand J Infect Dis Suppl 1976;(9):17-9 

After single oral or intravenous doses of doxycycline the concentrations found in the spinal fluid did not exceed 0.1 mcg/ml. 
Daily oral administration for 2-10 days gave a level in the spinal fluid of 0.1-0.76 mcg/ml. The mean value, 0.37 mcg/ml, corresponded to 14% of the concentrations found in serum.
Further studies of the penetration of doxycycline in patients with a damaged blood-brain barrier should be performed before doxycycline can be recommended for the treatment of CNS-infections.

Dotevall L, Hagberg L
Penetration of doxycycline into cerebrospinal fluid in patients treated for suspected Lyme neuroborreliosis.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1989 Jul; 33(7): 1078-80

Twelve patients were treated orally with 100 mg of doxycycline twice a day (b.i.d.) and 10 patients were treated with 200 mg b.i.d. for suspected tick-borne neuroborreliosis (Lyme borreliosis). At 5 to 8 days after the start of therapy, the mean concentrations in serum were 4.7 micrograms/ml for the doxycycline dose of 100 mg b.i.d. and 7.5 micrograms/ml for 200 mg b.i.d., 2 to 3 h after the last drug administration. The corresponding levels for cerebrospinal fluid were 0.6 and 1.1 micrograms/ml. Since a doxycycline concentration in cerebrospinal fluid above the estimated MIC for Borrelia burgdorferi (0.6 to 0.7 microgram/ml) is wanted in patients treated for severe neuroborreliosis, the higher dose is preferable.

Karlsson M, Hammers S, Nilsson Ehle I, Malmborg AS, Wretlind B
Concentrations of doxycycline and penicillin G in sera and cerebrospinal fluid of patients treated for neuroborreliosis.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1996 May; 40(5): 1104-7.

Concentrations of doxycycline and penicillin G in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were analyzed in 46 patients during treatment for neuroborreliosis. Twenty patients were treated intravenously with penicillin G at 3 g every 6 h (q6h), and 26 patients were treated orally with doxycycline at 200 mg q24h. All samples were collected on day 13 of treatment. The median concentrations of penicillin G in serum were 0.5, 37, and 5.6 micrograms/ml before and 1 and 3 h after drug administration, and that in CSF was 0.5 (range, 0.3 to 1.6) microgram/ml after 2 to 3 h. The median concentrations of doxycycline in serum were 2.1, 6.1, and 4.7 micrograms/ml before and 2 and 6 h after drug administration, and that in CSF was 0.6 (range, 0.4 to 2.5) microgram/ml after 4 h. All patients had concentrations of penicillin G or doxycycline in CSF above the lowest reported MICs of penicillin G (0.003 microgram/ml) and doxycycline (0.12 microgram/ml) for Borrelia burgdorferi. However, no patients had a drug concentration in CSF above the highest reported MIC of penicillin G (8 micrograms/ml), and only one had a drug concentration in CSF above the highest reported MIC of doxycycline (2 micrograms/ml), despite good clinical response to treatment. No treatment failure or relapse was observed during a 1-year follow-up, although one patient treated with penicillin G and one treated with doxycycline were retreated because of residual pain. The chosen dosages of penicillin G and doxycycline seem to give sufficient concentrations in serum and CSF for the treatment of neuroborreliosis.

To arbejder nævner en tilstræbt koncentration i spinalvasken (>MIC) på henholdvis:

......  niveau over 1 mikrog/ml kan sjældent opnås, hvilkes anses for den lavest ønskelige konc
..... the estimated MIC for Borrelia burgdorferi (0.6 to 0.7 microgram/ml
..... above the lowest reported MICs ...  doxycycline (0.12 microgram/ml) for Borrelia burgdorferi. 

En faktor på 5-6 forskel i opgivet MIC af doxycyclin for Borrelia burgdorferi TYDER SIMPELTHEN PÅ MANGLENDE REEL VIDEN om hvilken koncentration, der i virkeligheden er nødvendig at opnå for at kunne hæmme Borrelia's vækst effektivt! - usikkerheden antydes også af udtrykkene 'estimeret', 'lavest rapporterede' ...

Underbehandling er værre end INGEN behandling, fordi det medvirker til selektion af de mest resistente bakterier ! 

Vil man behandle neuro-infektion med doxycyclin som tablet, bør man derfor, for at være nogenlunde på den sikre side tilstræbe at opnå i hvert fald  den i det nyeste arbejde anbefalede minimale MIC på 1 mikrogram/ml! 
- hvilket som det fremgår sjældent eller ikke på nås med en doxycyclin dosis på 100mg x 2 - der er den vanligt anbefaldede dosis til behandling af BORRELIOSE og EHRLICHIOSE hos mennesker !

Selv den dobbelte dosis - 200mg x 2 per døgn - gav kun lige akkurat en konc. i spinalvæsken på 1,1 mikrogram/ml, dvs. lige over det minimalt ønskede ! - og her er der IKKE taget hensyn til hverken individuelle forskelle i optageligheden via mave-tarm-kanalen eller evt. forskel i fordelingsvolumen på henh. tynde og tykke mennesker !  


EHRLICHIA er - som alle andre flåtbårne infektioner - primært en dyreinfektion, hvorfor det er naturligt at skele til erfaringer med behandling af ehrlichiose hos dyr.
Selvom dyr - f.eks. pga. kortere tarm / hurtigere tarmpassage - nok kan have lidt anderledes optagelse af doxycyclin end mennesker, så ledte jeg altså efter artikler, som omtalte rekommanderede doser og behandlings-varighed af doxycyclin til behandling af ehrlichiose henholdsvis hos dyr og mennesker.

Ehrlichia er INTRACELLULÆRE bakterier som inficeret immun-celler direkte og det er fundet at ehrlichia kan overleve i selv de mest aktive 'dræber-immun-celler' vi har ved f.eks. at nedregulere 'det oxidative burst' – se nedenfor - og den vigtigste effekt af ehrlichia infektion er immunhæmning, visende sig at patienten får øget tendens til ANDRE INFEKTIONER, et andet tegn kan f.eks. være cyklisk leukopeni.

Banerjee R, Anguita J, Roos D, Fikrig E
Cutting edge: infection by the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis prevents the respiratory burst by down-regulating gp91phox.
J Immunol 2000 Apr 15;164(8):3946-9

"Diverse pathogens, including Legionella pneumophila, Toxoplasma gondii, Chlamydia, Ehrlichia risticii (which infects macrophages), Entamoeba histolytica, and Leishmania, have been shown to inhibit the respiratory burst; however, the mechanism(s) is (are) not known (23-28). Suppression of NADPH oxidase activity by down-regulating expression of a critical subunit of the enzyme complex by HGE bacteria represents a new mechanism by which microbes circumvent the oxidant-generating respiratory burst. It is intriguing that Ehrlichia targets the gene, gp91phox, which is associated with chronic granulomatous disease (12), and suggests that HGE bacteria induces a transient state in which the host may be more susceptible to secondary infections. Understanding the biological basis of respiratory burst arrest by pathogens should facilitate the development of new strategies to prevent infectious diseases and modify inflammatory responses."

.... derfor er det ikke spor overraskende, hvis ehrlichia kan være meget svær at behandle til bunds, hvilket følgende artikler da også viser:

Medline search: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Search&db=PubMed&term=(ehrlichia+doxy*)


Breitschwerdt EB, Hegarty BC, Hancock SI.
Sequential evaluation of dogs naturally infected with Ehrlichia canis, Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Ehrlichia equi, Ehrlichia ewingii, or Bartonella vinsonii.
J Clin Microbiol 1998 Sep;36(9):2645-51. 

"Eleven of 12 dogs were treated with doxycycline hydrochloride at an approximate dosage of 5 mg/kg of body weight (range, 4.3 to 10.6 mg/kg; mean, 6.9 mg/kg) every 12 h for 14 to 28 days. Due to concurrent endocarditis, dog 9 was treated with a combination of amoxicillin and enrofloxacin. " ...
From abstract: "In addition, our findings support the efficacy of doxycycline for treatment of E. canis, E. equi, and E. ewingii infections but indicate that, based upon the persistence of E. chaffeensis DNA for 1 year following treatment, E. chaffeensis infection in dogs may be more refractory to doxycycline treatment."

Harrus S, Waner T, Aizenberg I, Bark H.
Therapeutic effect of doxycycline in experimental subclinical canine monocytic ehrlichiosis: evaluation of a 6-week course.
J Clin Microbiol. 1998 Jul;36(7):2140-2.

The efficacy of doxycycline treatment (10 mg/kg of body weight every 24 h for 42 days) in eliminating Ehrlichia canis from four subclinically infected dogs was evaluated. One dog remained PCR positive, suggesting that 6 weeks of doxycycline treatment may not be sufficient to clear E. canis parasites from all subclinically infected dogs. ...

Iqbal Z, Rikihisa Y.
Reisolation of Ehrlichia canis from blood and tissues of dogs after doxycycline treatment.
J Clin Microbiol 1994 Jul;32(7):1644-9

We present evidence that supports the carrier status of dogs experimentally infected with Ehrlichia canis after treatment with doxycycline. Canine ehrlichiosis was induced in five dogs by intravenous inoculation with E. canis-infected DH82 cells. All animals developed mild clinical signs of transient fever, body weight loss, thrombocytopenia, and increased gamma globulin levels in plasma. An indirect fluorescent-antibody test (IFA) revealed that all dogs had seroconverted (titer, 5,120) by day 10 postinoculation (p.i.). E. canis was reisolated from blood samples collected at intervals throughout the 2-month period p.i. Doxycycline was administered orally once daily at 10 mg/kg of body weight per day for 1 week starting at 2 months p.i. Following treatment, gamma globulin levels in plasma were decreased. At necropsy on days 54 to 59 after the start of treatment, spleen, liver, kidney, and lymph nodes were collected for E. canis culture and histopathologic examination. Although the dogs did not show significant clinical signs during or after treatment with the antibiotic, E. canis was reisolated from the blood and tissue samples of three of five dogs. A 16-fold reduction in IFA titer was noted in two dogs which were negative for E. canis reisolation at day 49 after the start of treatment, whereas a zero- to fourfold reduction in IFA titer was seen in the remaining three dogs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Peavy GM, Holland CJ, Dutta SK, Smith G, Moore A, Rich LJ, Lappin MR, Richter K.
Suspected ehrlichial infection in five cats from a household.
J Am Vet Med Assoc 1997 Jan 15;210(2):231-4.

Ehrlichiosis is a poorly recognized condition of cats that may be associated with anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, or dysproteinemia. Affected cats may have indirect fluorescent antibody titers to Ehrlichia canis and E risticii. We reviewed the clinical evaluation and response to treatment of 5 cats in a household where ehrlichial disease was suspected as the cause of recurrent leukopenias and thrombocytopenias. All of the cats had E risticii indirect fluorescent antibody titers and western blot confirmation of antibodies to 4 of the 9 major antigens of E risticii. Response to doxycycline was monitored serologically and hematologically in each cat, and indicated that administration of doxycycline at a dosage of 10 mg/kg of body weight, PO, every 12 hours, for a minimum of 21 days is necessary for treatment of this condition.

Schutze GE, Jacobs RF.
Human monocytic ehrlichiosis in children.
Pediatrics 1997 Jul;100(1):E10

BACKGROUND: Much of what is known about human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) is based upon studies with adult patients.
PURPOSE: To review our experience with HME to better understand the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and outcome of this disease in children.
METHODS: Demographic, clinical, and laboratory data were gathered after review of the medical records of patients identified with HME. RESULTS: Twelve patients with an median age of 7.4 years (range, 7 months to 13.7 years) were identified with HME; 10 were white, 7 were male, and 10 were from hometowns of <800 people. Eight patients presented from May through July, and 8 had a history of tick bites. Symptoms demonstrated by the patients during their illness included fever (100%), rash (67%), myalgias (58%), and vomiting, diarrhea, and headache (25%). On presentation, patients demonstrated thrombocytopenia (92%), elevated liver function tests (91%), lymphopenia (75%), hyponatremia (67%), leukopenia (58%), and anemia (42%) on the initial laboratory examination. Four patients presented in shock and 3 required blood pressure support and mechanical ventilation for a median of 10 days (8 to 37 days). These complicated patients required longer hospitalization (19.5 days vs 5. 5 days) and attained higher blood urea nitrogen levels (42.5 mg/dL vs 10 mg/dL) than the patients not presenting with shock. Morbidity associated with HME patients included a decrease in cognitive and neurologic performance. CONCLUSIONS: More information and long-term follow-up is required to understand the full spectrum of disease and morbidity associated with HME in children.

"All patients [Children] were treated with doxycycline (4mg/kg/day given twice daily either intravenously or orally for 10 to 14 days) ..."

Dumler JS, Sutker WL, Walker DH.
Persistent infection with Ehrlichia chaffeensis.
Clin Infect Dis 1993 Nov;17(5):903-5

"Therapy with doxycycline (200mg/d) was started on hospital day 7 and continued for 9 days. His condition improved slightly, but in the ensuring weeks imipenem, acyclovir, ceftazidime, tobramycin, piperacillin, amphoterician B. and vancomycin were added to the therapeutic regimen for controlling a variety of nosokomial infections (intravenous catheder-associated sepsis, Pseudomonas cepacia penumonia, and Candida albicans and Aspergillus flavus revealed by cultures of sputum) …. A fourfold rise in the Ehrlichia canis titer (640 to 2.560) was demonstrated within the first months of illness. Despite vigorous therapy over 2 months, the patient's condition remained grave: he had gastrointestinal hemorrhage, pancreatitis, and hyperbilirubinaemia and was dependent on a ventilator. The patient's illness lasted 68 days from the onset of symptoms until death.
Pertinent findings in the final autopsy report included pulmonary aspergillosis; active cytomegalovirus infection in the lungs, stomach, and pancreas; multiple nonperforating gastric ulcers, marked hepatic cholestasis; acute and chronic pancreatitis; a small focal intestinal infarct; and congestive splenomegaly. Paraffin-embedded bone marrow obtained on hospital day 5 and liver tissue sections obtained post-mortem were prepared and stained by an immunohistologic method; in this method for detecting the presence of E. chaffeensis [6], a biotinylated human antibody to E. chaffeensis [6] and a monoclonal antibody (kondly provided by Dr. Xuejie Yu, Unité des Richettsies, Marseille, France) reactive with only E. chaffeensis were used.
Morulae of E. chaffeensis were detected with both antibodies in mononuclear cells and histiocytes in the acute-phase bone marrow specimen (firgure 1A) and in hepatic sinusoidal mononuclear cells (presumably Kupffer's cells; figure 1B) and foamy histiocytes in the post-mortem liver tissue section.
Persistent infection by obligate intracellular bacterial species in the genera Rickettsis [7-9], Coxiella [10], and Ehrlichia [1,2] is well documented. Both chronic human Q fever [10] and chronic canine ehrlichiosis are refractory to antimicrobial therapy [3,11]. Most dogs die from hemorrhage or bacterial infections presumed to be secondary to pancytopenia [11,12]. ……. The findings of the case described in this report demonstrate for the first time that E. chaffeensis is capable of persistent infection of human tissues. Moreover the course of illness for this patient is consistent with that for canine ehrlichiosis. The initial acute disease was characterized by leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and elevated levels of hepatic transaminases and occurred - during the expected season - in a patient who lived in an area with know tick activity. This stage was followed by a brief quescent phase that rapidly proceeded into the terminal phase, which was characterized by secondary infections and hemorrhagic complications similar to those seen for chronic canine ehrlichiosis. The continued presence of E. chaffeensis in tissues is stiking given that the patient received antimicrobial therapy with doxycycline, which is thought to be effective against ehrlichia [4,14]. The complicated and prolonged clinical course that was observed for the patient described herein has been observed for other cases of documented ehrlichiosis [4,15] and may result form accrued tissue injury after delayed therapy, secondary infections after broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy, or persistent infection by E. chaffeensis.
The following unresolved issues reguire investigation: the prevalence of persistent ehrlichial infection; the clinical sequelae of untreated acute ehrlichiosis; the mechanisms of ehrlichial persistence, the effect of ehrlichial infection on the host's immune system; the functional status of macrophages in persistent ehrlichiosis; the potential of latent ehrlichiosis to reactivate, particularly in immune-compromised patients; and the ability of Ehrlichia species to avoid the effects of antimicrobial agents."

Walker DH, Dumler JS
Emergence of the ehrlichioses as human health problems.
Emerg Infect Dis 1996 Jan-Mar;2(1):18-29


Ehrlichiae are small, gram-negative, obligately intracellular bacteria that reside within a phagosome. The first human ehrlichial infection was recognized in the United States in 1987. It was later shown to be caused by a new species, Ehrlichia chaffeensis. In 1994, an ehrlichial pathogen within neutrophils that is closely related to the known veterinary pathogens E. equi and E. phagocytophila was found to infect humans. Molecular methods were required to detect, characterize, and identify these fastidious and uncultivated bacteria. Subsequently, E. chaffeensis infection was documented in more than 400 patients in 30 states, Europe, and Africa. Likewise, approximately 170 cases of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis have been diagnosed, most since 1994, predominantly in the upper midwestern and northeastern states, but also in northern California. The disease caused by ehrlichiae is generally undifferentiated but is often associated with leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and elevated serum hepatic transaminase levels in tick-exposed patients. Infection ranges from subclinical to fatal; tetracycline appears to be an effective therapy. The emergence of these two newly recognized tickborne infections as threats to human health is probably due to increased clinical cognizance, but as in other emerging tickborne infections, it is likely that the rapid increase in identified cases signals a true emergence of disease associated with a changing vector-host ecology.

"Some patients have a life-threatening illness resembling toxic shock syndrome (24). Deaths have occurred in approximately 2% to 3% of patients, including previously healthy children (13,23-28). "
"However, the fact that two-thirds of the seroconverters remained asymptomatic emphasizes that the relationship between severity of illness and either host factors or ehrlichial strain differences in virulence remains unknown. "
"Human monocytic ehrlichiosis occurs not only as an acute illness of apparently immunocompetent persons but also as an opportunistic infection of patients with compromised host defenses, including acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients (24,26). The report of a fatal E. chaffeensis infection in an AIDS patient, in whom a diagnostic antibody response to E. chaffeensis never developed, suggests that such cases would not usually be diagnosed correctly. "
"Furthermore, antibodies to E. chaffeensis did not develop in six PCR-confirmed patients during convalescence, suggesting that serologic testing may be less sensitive than generally assumed (31,45). The sensitivity of PCR seems to be 80% to 87%; the specificity depends critically upon avoiding contamination with ehrlichial DNA. Search for morulae of E. chaffeensis in leukocytes is unrewarding. Even an exhaustive search of buffy coat smears seldom yields a diagnostic result. "
[MK: ikke desto mindre viser resultaterne fra Bowen RTI og undertegnede at det altså muligt at finde Ehrlichia lignende mikrober i blodudstryg, bare man leder grundigt nok !!!]
"E. chaffeensis is killed in cell culture in the presence of doxycycline or rifampin but is resistant to chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, cotrimoxazole gentamicin, and penicillin (47). E. chaffeensis can establish persistent infection even after treatment with tetracycline and chloramphenicol (25). Persistent ehrlichial infection, in some instances even after treatment, is a well-documented aspect of the veterinary ehrlichioses, e.g., canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (E. canis) and tick-borne fever (E. phagocytophila). The long-term implications of persistent ehrlichiosis in humans are unclear but might include subsequent reactivation of infection or altered host defenses. "

Patel RG, Byrd MA
Near fatal acute respiratory distress syndrome in a patient with human ehrlichiosis.
South Med J 1999 Mar;92(3):333-5

Human ehrlichiosis is not a common cause of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Physicians should be aware of this life-threatening but treatable entity. Progression to ARDS may be related to delay in diagnosis and treatment. Fever, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and a history of tick exposure in an endemic area during the spring and summer months should alert the physician to the possibility of human ehrlichiosis, since a definitive diagnosis requires serologic testing that may take weeks to confirm. We describe a case of ARDS resulting from human ehrlichiosis. A unique feature in our case was that despite the early use of doxycycline, the patient had near fatal ARDS that responded dramatically to high doses of steroids.

Bakken JS, Krueth J, Wilson-Nordskog C, Tilden RL, Asanovich K, Dumler JS
Clinical and laboratory characteristics of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis
JAMA 1996 Jan 17;275(3):199-205

OBJECTIVE--To characterize the clinical and laboratory features observed in patients with human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE) and evaluate the utility of the diagnostic tools used to confirm the diagnosis.
DESIGN--Retrospective case study of 41 patients with laboratory-diagnosed HGE.
SETTING--A total of 228 patients from Minnesota and Wisconsin were evaluated between June 1990 and May 1995.
METHODS--Cases were presumptively identified by a history of an influenzalike illness acquired in an area known to be endemic for ticks. Diagnostic laboratory testing included microscopic examination of Wright-stained peripheral blood smears for presence of neutrophilic morulae, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of acute-phase blood samples for the Ehrlichia phagocytophila/Ehrlichia equi group DNA, and evaluation of serological responses by indirect immunofluorescent antibody assay (IFA), using E equi as antigen.
RESULTS--All patients presented with a temperature of at least 37.6 degrees C, and most had headache, myalgias, chills, and varying combinations of leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Eighty percent of the patients tested demonstrated morulae in the cytoplasm of peripheral blood neutrophils. Only 16 of 37 patients tested by PCR were positive for HGE, whereas serum IFA assays of acute or convalescent blood samples detected antibodies against E equi in 38 of 40 patients tested. Two patients died, and the calculated case fatality rate was 4.9%.
CONCLUSIONS--Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis is being increasingly recognized in Wisconsin and Minnesota. A more severe illness is associated with increased age, anemia, increased percentage of neutrophils and decreased percentage of lymphocytes in peripheral blood, and presence of morulae in neutrophils. The differential diagnosis for patients who develop an influenzalike illness following a tick bite should include HGE. Microscopic examination of the acute-phase blood smear to detect neutrophilic morulae is currently the quickest and most practical screening method for diagnosing HGE in the upper Midwest.

Paddock CD, Sumner JW, Shore GM, Bartley DC, Elie RC, McQuade JG, Martin CR, Goldsmith CS, Childs JE.
Isolation and characterization of Ehrlichia chaffeensis strains from patients with fatal ehrlichiosis.
J Clin Microbiol 1997 Oct;35(10):2496-502


Two new isolates of Ehrlichia chaffeensis (designated Jax and St. Vincent) were obtained from patients with fatal ehrlichial infections. Patients developed characteristic manifestations of severe disease due to E. chaffeensis, including marked thrombocytopenia, pulmonary insufficiency, and encephalopathy. ....

Jahangir A, Kolbert C, Edwards W, Mitchell P, Dumler JS, Persing DH
Fatal pancarditis associated with human granulocytic Ehrlichiosis in a 44-year-old man.
Clin Infect Dis 1998 Dec;27(6):1424-7

Human cases of infection with a granulocytotropic Ehrlichia species closely related to Ehrlichia equi are now being described with increasing frequency in the United States, especially in areas where Lyme disease is already endemic. We describe a case of fatal pancarditis during the course of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE) in a 44-year-old outdoor worker who was previously treated for presumptive Lyme disease. Serological and molecular diagnostic tests for Borrelia burgdorferi and Babesia microti infections were negative. Postmortem serum specimens were seroreactive for HGE, and molecular evidence of infection with the HGE agent was obtained. These findings suggest that carditis may be a manifestation of HGE, further complicating the differential diagnosis of tick-borne illness.

CDC recommends for treatment of HUMAN ehrlichiosis:

"Doxycycline (100 mg twice daily for adults or 4.4 mg/kg body weight per day in two divided doses for children under 45.4 kgs (100 lbs)) is the drug of choice for patients with ehrlichiosis. The optimal duration of therapy has not been established, but current regimens recommend continuation of treatment for at least 3 days after the fever subsides and until evidence of clinical improvement, for a minimum total course of 5 to 7 days. Severe or complicated disease may require longer treatment courses. Because tetracyclines are contraindicated in pregnancy, rifampin has been used successfully in a limited number of pregnant women with documented HGE.


Det fremgår altså at anbefalet doxycyclin-dosis til behandling af EHRLICHIOSE i litteraturen er: 

DYR (hund og kat): 5-10 mg/kg/døgn
BØRN: 4.4 mg/kg/døgn
VOKSNE MENNESKER: 100 mg x 2 ! - uden hensyntagen til ovenstående VIDEN om ønsket CSF koncentration og evt. forskelle i opnået koncentration som følge af individuelle forskelle i fordelingsvolumen!)

Gennemgår man litteraturen med henblik på ”persisterende Borreliose efter behandling med doxycyclin f.eks. for erythema migrans i vanlig dosis 100 mg x 2” forekommer der faktisk temmelig MANGE rapporterede behandlingssvigt …
kan grunden til det være at doxycyclin dosis simpelthen har været for lille til at gøre noget effektivt ved infektionen ?

Jeg har ikke fundet et eneste studie der sammenlignede opnået serumkoncentration af doxycyclin hos forskellige dyr og mennesker ved forskellige doser i mg/kg/dg ! - den valgte anbefalede menneske-dosis synes således at bygge alene på tradition - ikke på reel VIDEN  ?

Trods meget grundig litteratur-søgning efter dette, er det endnu IKKE lykkedes mig at finde nogen logisk begrundelse (læs EVIDENS) for IKKE at variere dosis i forhold til vægten også til voksne mennesker, sådan som det er reglen at gøre for børn og dyr – eller hvorfor mennesker skal have så meget lavere dosis/kg/dg af doxycyclin til behandling af ehrlichiose end dyr !!!

For en  læge, der som jeg har arbejdet meget af min lægetid med børn og har været vant til ALTID at dosere AL MEDICIN under hensyntagen til størrelse og vægt / overfladeberegning, virker det meget, meget ULOGISK at voksen-medicinere som regel doserer medicin efter en 'normalvægt' = 70 kg mand, og kun MEGET SJÆLDENT tager hensyn til forskelle i folks størrelse og fedt%!
Jf. "den høje lipid-opløselighed [af doxycyclin] forklarer god vævspenetration", så må der logisk set være tale om et betydeligt meget større fordelings-volumen og heraf følgende lavere vævskoncentration på samme mg doxycyclin-dosis, i henholdvis en fed person på 150 kg og en mager person på 50 kg?
Følgende beregning viser tydeligt forskellen i totaldosis, hvis der gives ’børnedosis’ 4 mg/kg/døgn. Personen på 50 kg skal have 200 mg, mens personen på 150 kg skal have 600 mg = 3 gange så stor dosis ! - og så er der IKKE taget hensyn til evt. individuelle forskelle i optagelighed via mave-kanalen etc.!

Tabel over dosis udregnet i mg/kg/døgn ved forskellige døgndoser og vægte:
    mg/dg       100 mg        200 mg         400 mg       600 mg    800 mg
    50 -             2                   4                   8              12             16
    70 -            1,4                2,8                5,7            8,5           11,4 
    90 -            1,1                2,2                4,4            6,7            8,9
    110 -          0,9                1,8                3,6            5,5            7,3
    130 -          0,8                1,5                3,0            4,6            6,2
    150 -          0,7                1,3                2,7            4,0            5,3

HVAD ER SÅ EN RATIONEL DOSIS AF DOXYCYCLIN, givet som tablet, når man ønsker at opnå tilstrækkelig koncentration i spinalvæsken til at bekæmpe såvel Borrelia som Ehrlichia effektivt derinde?
- ja DET må patienten og lægen afgøre i fællesskab efter at have sat sig ind i alt ovenstående og tænkt lidt over fakta !

Hvis ønskværdig dosis giver toksiske bivirkninger må dosis naturligvis reduceres. Varigheden af behandling må rette sig efter den individuelle patients kliniske repons og som minimum vare til blodet er uden tegn på infektion / inklusioner i de hvide blodlegemer på buffy-coat udstryg, hvor min 500-1000 hvide blodceller bør ses igennem med negativt resultat !

Hvordan tolereres ”høje doser” af DOXYCYCLIN ? -  erfaringen er at det tolereres faktisk generelt godt !
Personligt vejer jeg cirka 95 kg og har IKKE haft nogen problemer - udover det forventelige fototoksisk udslet ved udsættelse for sollys ud over 15 min per dag om højsommeren, som var lige så slem på en lavere dosis ! - med at tolerere en dosis af doxycyclin på 600 mg per døgn (cirka 6 mg/kg/døgn), når blot jeg tog medicinen sammen med mad/rigeligt at drikke og jeg følte faktisk først rigtig god effekt på mine NEURO-symptomer ved denne ”høje dosis” !
De fleste patienter der har været i doxycyclin i dosis 5-6 mg/kg/dg angiver IKKE problemer med at tåle dette, undtagen hvis de tager medicinen på tom mave – så gør det ondt i nogle timer og kan fremkalde opkastninger. Jarisch-Herxheimer er som regel mild hvis man starter med én 100 mg  tablet og gradvis øgning til ønsket dosis under hensyntagen til reaktionen.
Forstyrret mave-tarm flora synes mindre ved doxycyclin end andre antibiotika og kan som regel forebygges ved tilførsel af probiotiske bakterier f.eks. i form af Cultura yoghurt (bifido-bakterier synes særlig vigtige, acidophilus alene er ikke nok !) – naturligvis indtaget nogle timer forskudt, så Ca i mælkeproduktet det ikke forstyrrer optagelsen af doxycyclin – alternativt anvendes probiotiske bakterier i kapselform.

ALTERNATIVER til doxycycline til behandling af Ehrlichiose, f.eks. til gravide og børn og folk som ikke tåler doxycyclin:

Fra http://aac.asm.org/cgi/reprint/41/1/76.pdf

"No clear treatment alternatives exist for young children, pregnant women, or allergic individuals, in whom tetracyclines are contraindicated. We performed in vitro antibiotic susceptibility tests with this recently isolated agent grown in the human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60. Doxycycline (MIC, 0.25 mg/ml), rifampin (MIC, 0.5 mg/ml), rifabutin (MIC, <0.125 mg/ml), ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin (both with MICs of 2 mg/ml), and trovafloxacin (MIC, <0.125 mg/ml) demonstrated significant activity against the HGE agent. These agents were also bactericidal. 
The HGE agent was resistant to clindamycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and imipenem-cilastatin, as well as to ampicillin, ceftriaxone, erythromycin, and azithromycin, antibiotics commonly used to treat Lyme disease. 
Both chloramphenicol and gentamicin had weak inhibitory activities but were not bactericidal. Our findings confirm the observed clinical efficacy of doxycycline and further suggest that the rifamycins and quinolones, particularly trovafloxacin, hold promise as alternative agents for treating this new infection."

Brouqui P, Raoult D.
In vitro antibiotic susceptibility of the newly recognized agent of ehrlichiosis in humans, Ehrlichia chaffeensis.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1992 Dec;36(12):2799-803

..."Further clinical investigations are necessary to evaluate the role of rifampin in the treatment of human ehrlichiosis, especially in children."
Raoult sagde iøvrigt - på Rickettsia-mødet 07/09/2000 i København - at han ikke ville betænke sig på at behandle børn med rickettsiose med tetracycliner, fordi det er en meget alvorlig infektion, men han giver kun dette i relativ kort tid.

Ovenstående er sandsynligvis ikke en fuldstændig oversigt over emnet ? - og kender læseren til supplerende information – så send mig venligst en note om det per email, så listen kan blive opdateret, tak J

Marie Kroun, læge
Rev. Sep. 2003